As many as 4 IAS officers have been given extension in temporary upgradation from Joint Secretary level to Additional Secretary level. The officers are:
1. Sh. Vineet Joshi, IAS (MN:92), Department of Higher Education for term up to 17.04.2023.
2. Sh. Rajat Kumar Mishra, IAS (RJ:92), Department of Economic Affairs for term up to 02.11.2023.
3. Sh. Nagaraju Maddirala, IAS (TR:93), Ministry of Coal for term up to 02.11.2023.
4. Sh. Alok, IAS (RJ:93), Member (Administration). National Highways Authority of India for term up to 19.01. 2023.
Four IAS officers gets extension in temporary upgradation from JS level to Addl Secretary level

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