Tamil Nadu Chief electoral officer Praveen Kumar has been appointed as a special observer for Varanasi seat a high profile Lok Sabha constituency. Pranjal Yadav, district magistrate and returning officer…
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IAS officer Akash Tripathi & Kamal Kishore Soan have been entrusted with new administrative responsibilities …
IAS Roohi Khan has bee granted premature repatriation to her parent cadre. The Competent Authority,…
Two new lady Additional Chief Secretaries have been appointed in the state of Tamil Nadu.…
Uttar Pradesh witnesses a major bureaucratic reshuffle in which forty six IAS officers have been…
Providing a window to black money holders, the government today proposed to levy a total tax, penalty and surcharge of…
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday dubbed appointment of Alka Dewan as Member Secretary by Lieutenant Governor (LG) Najeeb…
On the occasion of National Milk Day and the the birth anniversary of Dr Verghese Kurien, the Father of White…
Today, The Union Finance Minister Sh. Arun Jaitely is going to chair the Pre-Budget consultation meeting with Social Sector Groups in…
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend three-day Directors-General of Police Conference at the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy in…
The Minister of Finance, Arun Jaitely tweeted that he is going to hold Pre-Budget Consultation with representative of Social Sector…
Former PM Dr Manmohan Singh, who led the opposition charge in the Rajya Sabha, highlighted the problems of demonetisation. “It…
The government informed Parliament on Wednesday that around 200 terrorists were active in Jammu and Kashmir. In a written reply…
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