Indian film actress turned politician, Jaya Prada on Saturday said that Sultan Alauddin Khilji's character in the movie 'Padmaavat' reminded her of Samajwadi Party's leader Azam Khan. "When I was…
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IAS officer Akash Tripathi & Kamal Kishore Soan have been entrusted with new administrative responsibilities …
IAS Roohi Khan has bee granted premature repatriation to her parent cadre. The Competent Authority,…
Two new lady Additional Chief Secretaries have been appointed in the state of Tamil Nadu.…
Uttar Pradesh witnesses a major bureaucratic reshuffle in which forty six IAS officers have been…
BJP announced its second list of 155 candidates for Uttar Pradesh polls. They are, Harsh Bajpayee from Alahabad North; Nand…
Newly appointed party president Akhilesh Yadav released the manifesto for upcoming assembly polls. Akhilesh spoke about the developmental measures undertaken…
An alliance between the SP and the Congress has finally been sealed says sources. The Congress party will be allotted…
Durgesh Upadhyay Editor - NorthBlockSouthBlock.Com In a major reshuffle of IAS and IPS officers in state, Election Commission on…
An RBI team telling the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Friday that India is in the process of getting infrastructure…
Special CBI court has allowed Shamima Kauser to join the Ishrat Jahan encounter case as a party. Kauser is mother…
Sangh publicity head Manmohan Vaidya Friday quoted B R Ambedkar to underline that “it’s not good to have reservation forever”…
In its submission to the Public Accounts Committee, the Finance Ministry has said no counterfeit notes were seized by agencies…
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