IAS officers Ram Kumar Singh and Shakti Singh have been assigned new administrative roles in Haryana. Following a recently issued directive by the state administration of Haryana has mandated names…
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IAS Roohi Khan has bee granted premature repatriation to her parent cadre. The Competent Authority,…
IAS officer Akash Tripathi & Kamal Kishore Soan have been entrusted with new administrative responsibilities …
Two new lady Additional Chief Secretaries have been appointed in the state of Tamil Nadu.…
Uttar Pradesh witnesses a major bureaucratic reshuffle in which forty six IAS officers have been…
Fresh postings have been given to young IPS officers Aashna Chaudhary and Prashant Raj in Uttar Pradesh. The CM Yogi…
Two IPS officers have been appointed in two cities of Uttar Pradesh. Following a notification from the state administration of…
IRS officer Sandip Pradhan’s tenure as the DG, Sports Authority of India ends. The Government of India has lately…
Two IAS officers have been entrusted with new responsibilities in the state of West Bengal. Following a recent directive issued…
After opting for a VRS senior IPS Arun Kumar Sarangi has been appointed As Chairman Of OPS. With allowing the…
RBI Deputy Governor, M Rajeshwar Rao’s tenure has been extended by one year. In accordance with a recently issued directive…
Two Jharkhand cities Ranchi and Pakud welcome two new Managing Directors. As per a recently issued directive by the competent…
Wormila J Kleishing has been given an extension in her work tenure. Lately following an issued directive by the competent…
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